Finding Myself in ... Michigan
Funny how time runs out long and slow in front of us, but then when looked back upon, it scrunches together and overlaps in short layers of memory. My time in Michigan spent with my family stretched out for a very long six weeks. The weekends were punctuated by ragers with my brother, where we would microdose ecstasy, shrooms, acid, marijuana, cocaine, and then drown it all in gallons of Redbull for 3 day bangers in which we slept for 1 to 2 hours a night. On Sunday we would float on our backs in his pool, strung out but still too wired to sleep. Our eyes focused hazily into the distance and a hard-cider in hand. We were clever and never drank too much, and stayed hydrated through it all so that by the time Monday came around, he was able to go back to work and I could sleep a solid 9 hours and wake up in my mother’s empty house to binge-eat on the couch while watching old episodes of Mom (a comedy-sitcom about alcohol and drug addiction) and wond...